Advanced skills
Biking is a great pastime and a convenient way of commuting.
In North Yorkshire, collision data analysis suggests that the vast majority of crashes involving Bikers result from mistakes made by the riders, rather than by other road users. Many of these riders would consider themselves to be experienced riders.
Explore post-test training in the section.
In this section you will find useful statistics related to motorcycle use in North Yorkshire. There is also a section on different types of motorcycle licences and how to achieve one, plus useful statistical information related to motorcyclist collisions, to help you stay safe.
NY Rides route information
Our scenic A and B roads in North Yorkshire are great biking roads and a big attraction for motorcyclists across the region. This section provides information on the high risk motorcycle routes across the county. These are roads on which motorcyclists are regularly involved in crashes and the maps gives basic information about the circumstances of the crashes and are provided to help you stay safe on our roads.
Ever had a near miss? Want to improve your riding skills in a conflict-free environment? North Yorkshire Bikesafe is part of a national post-test casualty reduction scheme run by Police motorcyclists which offers riders the opportunity to learn more about why motorcycle crashes happen and analyse their own riding. Any skill areas that may need improvement can be identified during the inclusive observed ride.
The right bike for you
Selecting the right motorcycle is an important decision. It’s helpful to spend time looking at the range of bikes available when deciding which is best for you. Are you buying a motorcycle to commute to work, go on short leisure rides or long distance touring? Consider your level of experience, your budget and intended use.
Tips & advice
In this section you will find information on topics such as helmet choice, bike maintenance, protective clothing, visibility and safer riding techniques. We also have a series of riding clinic videos which cover situations such as overtaking, urban riding, junctions and cornering.
Using the road
North Yorkshire has many enjoyable yet challenging biking roads. Unfortunately a number of bikers come to grief every year, often as a result of mistakes while cornering, braking and overtaking. Read on for advice on reading the road, cornering skills, filtering and more.
Free stuff for bikers
We have a range of motorcycling resources to help you stay safe on our roads. You can request or download the latest copy of our Bikers Guide to North Yorkshire booklet, request Think Bike vehicle window stickers or a V2 visor cleaning sponge and ear plugs.