What is Liftshare Week?

Liftshare Week takes place every October across the UK! This year’s dates for the diary are the 1st – 7th October, as we ask members new and old to grab a sidekick and become Super Commuters!

Liftshare Week is all about celebrating the social, environmental and financial benefits of car sharing. Liftsharing is completely flexible, and our average regular sharer saves over £1000 a year.

Become a Super Commuter!

Liftshare Week 2018 encourages you to grab a sidekick and become a Super Commuter! Becoming a Super Commuter is as easy. Simply:

  1. Sign up to Liftshare.com or your organisation’s Liftshare community;
  2. Add your journey and find your Liftshare sidekick travelling the same way!
  3. Chat through your arrangements, send or accept a request to share and form your Liftshare team to become a Super Commuter!

Not all superheroes wear capes.

For more information look on their website https://liftshare.com/uk/liftshare-week

Courtesy of Liftshare Website