Cycle lanes which are separate from motor traffic would motivate a third of people to cycle more often, a Government survey suggests.
The 2016 Local Road Users Survey outlines public attitudes towards buses, cycling and walking.
At 33%, separate cycle lanes was the top factor to get more people cycling – followed by better behaviour from other road users at 18%.
While 28% of people surveyed did not feel that cycling facilities in their area were good, 30% of respondents indicated that they would be willing to cycle more for journeys in their local area.
69% of respondents said they would be willing to make more journeys as pedestrians.

For those who were unwilling to walk more frequently, the main barriers were the length of time the journey would take (46%), health or disability issues (26%) and not enjoying walking (16%).
Willingness to walk also varied based on current behaviour – with respondents who already walked three or more times a week most likely to be willing to walk more often (79%).
In comparison, just 37% of those who did not walk regularly were prepared to increase the journeys they made on foot, and among those who did not currently walk much at all (less than twice a year or never) this figure fell to 28%.
Factors to motivate people to walk more comprised a mix of physical road facilities – such as well-lit streets, better maintained pavements and wider pavements – and whether the respondent felt fit, healthy or safe while walking.
Courtesy of Road Safety GB